Thursday, September 1, 2022

Wahlgreniana Volume 2

Now accepting orders - Publication date October 1, 2022

    The Bibliography of the Anurans of the United States and Canada Part 1: 1698–2012. Part 2: 2013–2021 was compiled largely as background material for Dodd’s The Frogs of the United States and Canada (First edition published 2013 by Johns Hopkins University Press; 2nd edition forthcoming from the same publisher), with the objective of developing a comprehensive reference to publications on the natural history of North American anurans. It focuses on life history, ecology, systematics, behavior, physiological ecology, diseases, parasites, and conservation biology, and includes important references on distribution and other topics useful to understanding frogs in their natural environment. Strictly physiological, developmental, and genetics citations have been excluded, as are routine new distribution records, especially when life history information was not included. Master’s theses and doctoral dissertations were included opportunistically as they were encountered. The two parts correspond to the cut-off dates for the two editions of The Frogs of the United States and Canada.
    This extraordinary compilation of the Anuran literature extends back to Gabriel Thomas’ (1698) mention of the bullfrog—the earliest reference to a specific species the author encountered—through 2021. Anyone working on the anurans of the United States and Canada will undoubtedly find numerous references to publications they didn’t know existed. This is exactly what bibliographies are meant for and this bibliography succeeds commendably.
    Available in two formats: A hardcover book and an eBook. The eBook allows for searches of the entire bibliography. To minimize problems utilizing the eBook, it is being distributed solely by existing eBook sellers (not by ISHBH).

Specifications:Hardcover (ISBN: 979-8-218-06245-3), x + 282 pages. Price: $35.00 retail; $21.00 for ISHBH members (plus $7.00 postage and handling). Ordering: Copies may be ordered at, or from most Online and physical bookstores world-wide.
eBook also available (ISBN: 979-8-218-06246-0). Retail price $9.99. The eBook version may be ordered from most eBook distributors Online.

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