
 Constitution of the ISHBH

The General Assembly held at 11 a.m. on Sunday, June 27th 1999 at the Penn Stater Conference Center, Penn State, Pennsylvania, USA, ratified the following constitution:

  1. Name
    The name of the society is International Society for the History and Bibliography of Herpetology, hereafter referred as the "Society."
  2. Aim
    The aim of the Society is to bring together individuals for whom the history and bibliography of herpetology is appealing and to promote the knowledge of the related topics among members and general public.
  3. Meeting activities
    The Society shall organize meeting activities such as seminars, visits to libraries, museums, research stations, etc. in connection with herpetological meetings with international participation.

  4. Social activities
    The Society shall facilitate informal contacts among members so that the members can informally meet, offer support in knowledge and transact exchanges of literature and ephemera.
  5. Publications
    The Society shall publish a newsletter/journal with materials on the history of herpetology and bibliography. The Newsletter can be distributed to the members either in a printed form or on the Internet (printed for those members without access to the facility). The Society can undertake other publishing projects that are in line with the aims. All publications can be sold separately to non-members at the Executive Committees' discretion.

    Members are encouraged to contribute with articles, news of meetings, hints on antiquarian trade, book reviews or participate in a literature exchange forum.
  6. The Executive Committee
    The Executive Committee consists of five up to seven members, preferably of an international scope, namely chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer, meeting organizer, and co-editors. One person can fill one or two positions, but with one voting right, as decided by the Executive Committee. The Chairperson and the Treasurer can sign for the Society, including banks, "either to sign" until revoked.
    The Executive Committee is elected by a General Assembly in terms for two years.
    The Executive Committee members can hold meetings with the officers congregating personally, by use of the e-mail system, fax or printed document communications. Decisions are taken by simple majority. 
  7. General Assembly
    An ordinary general assembly is held once per calendar year in connection with a herpetological meeting with international participation. Calls for the meeting should reach the members two months prior to the meeting.

    The following items should be on the agenda:
    • Election of the Executive Committee (every two years)
    • Approval of the last Treasurer's Report
    • Granting freedom of responsibility for the Executive Committee

    Extraordinary general assemblies can be held when requested by at least five members of the Society.
  8. Members
    Membership shall be granted to anyone that shares the aim of the Society. A formal application shall be directed to the chairperson.
    The Executive Committee reserves the rights to deny or revoke membership in situations that are deemed not to be in the interests of the Society.
  9. Finances
    The members contribute to the Society with a biennial fee that is set by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall annually prepare a financial report including a financial statement. The calendar year constitutes the fiscal year. The Treasurer's Report shall be signed and circulated to the members at the latest 30 June every year.
  10. Changes to the Constitution
    The Society may alter the Constitution by a resolution passed by a simple majority of those members present and voting at two successive Society Business Meetings.
  11. Dissolution of the Society
    In the event of the dissolution of this Society, any remaining funds and other assets will be donated to Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR) Facsimile Reprints program or, if not existing or accepted, any similar program by SSAR or any longtime established museum with an active focus on herpetological history.